63 reviews on App store
"Using Currence has simplified and sped up my ability to save up money to use for my future investments and big purchases. I also like that it automates my savings very effectively."
"I just wanted to send a note of gratitude. I’ve implemented Currence into my new client on-boarding process, as well as introducing Currence to existing clients. In the last 3-4 months since I started utilizing Currence, I’ve noticed my conversations are more powerful. I speak with more conviction, often referring back to our cash flow work with Currence. And most importantly, I’ve already started seeing more unsolicited introductions. Thank you!"
Financial Professional
"I’ve discovered something that has created a new possibility for my cash flow management. It disconnects my consumption from my income as it rises, ultimately capturing more assets for my savings and retirement accounts that have been evaporating into my standard of living…."
“Currence is the perfect tool for someone that wants to build a “service” practice. Currence is not only a tool but a mindset. It has challenged me to be more efficient and put the client in the best position to make decisions. There is no better tool in the world to provide a true service practice, and it has quickly changed my career, my clients’ careers, and increased my passion about the work we do.”
Financial Professional
Higher savings rate than the national average**
Individuals who have trusted Currence with their finances
Financial professionals using Currence
Currence makes financial management easier, allowing for higher savings growth.
Financial professional joins Currence as a Strategist
Strategist invites clients to Currence
Clients joins, links financial accounts
Now, both the advisor and client have real-time full visibility of their cash flow.